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What’s New in FormAssembly: Search, Updated Sensitive Data Settings, IP Anonymization, More

Enjoying FormAssembly? Here are a few of the newest features we’ve released to FormAssembly users as part of update 5.0.3. Let us know if you’ve used these yet and what you think!

Response search on a form-by-form basis

One of our often-requested features is here: Response Search! On a form-by-form basis, you can search responses for specific information you need either for viewing online or before you export a report. Responses submitted 2017 and later can be searched, and you can easily re-index responses.

Plaintext sensitive data settings

This update allows you to add plaintext sensitive data settings for PII (personally identifiable information) and general sensitive data so that you can easily see in responses what data is sensitive, which can be helpful if GDPR applies to you. In addition to that, this update paves the way for future product updates and the larger Sensitive Data Management feature, which you can read about in our Roadmap series.

Previously, it was not possible to customize or hide the “Need assistance with this form?” link at the bottom of FormAssembly forms without using custom code. Now you can more easily customize or remove that link. You can also choose to display a link that shows respondents their rights under GDPR. That link can send users to a page you’ve created or to this GDPR Rights page that FormAssembly created.

Enable IP anonymization on forms

IP Anonymization used to be a global option only available to Enterprise Admins, but it is now available for all plans on a form-by-form basis. This setting allows form owners to further safeguard the privacy of form respondents.

Set a session timeout for users

The new ability to set a 30-minute session timeout for FormAssembly users (only available to Enterprise admins), contributes to a good data governance strategy and helps companies adhere to information security best practices by limiting data access.

Other updates include

  • Improved drag & drop accuracy when scrolling
  • Added helpful text when customizing a theme with no options
  • Drag content to the page navigation dropdown menu to move the content to another page
  • Resolved drag and drop issue with Predefined Content
  • Added supportive text when previewing Autosuggest datasets
  • Resolved line break issue with editing Form Title
  • Resolved Character Count issue for Netherlands language
  • Upon updating Form Title, show prompt to update Form Name if it was previously the same as Form Title


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