Roadmap Series

What is the Roadmap Series?

We’re always working to improve the FormAssembly experience from better UX and UI to more features and greater security. Here’s where you can get an inside look at what features we’re developing and give us your feedback on these features or any others that you think we should develop.

How the Roadmap Series lets you get involved

Learn about the features we’re working on
Share product feedback and new feature requests in our feedback form. We’ll reach back out if we have any questions.
Share specific use case information for our new feature research

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How the Roadmap Series lets you get involved

We receive product feedback in multiple different channels: the feature request form on this page, social media, email, in-person meetings, and more. We collaborate internally and share feedback with the product team members who evaluate and assess the request before launching a new feature or an improvement in our product management system.

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