Effortlessly Connect Your Forms to the Tools You Love

Featured integrations

Save time and effort by connecting your data across an ecosystem of best-in-class software integrations.

Salesforce Logo


Automatically send data collected through your forms to Salesforce.

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microsoft sharepoint integration with formassembly

Microsoft Sharepoint

Send file uploads directly to a OneDrive or SharePoint Site destination.

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Microsoft Excel logo

Microsoft Excel

Auto-populate your Excel worksheets with form data.

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Google Drive logo

Google Drive

Send file uploads directly to your My Drive Google Drive directory.

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Google Sheets logo

Google Sheets

Instantly sync your form data with Google Sheets.

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Webhook Connector

Connect your web forms to any API endpoint with secure authorization.

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Stripe integration


Stripe payment forms integration for easy processing.

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Salesforce connectors

Automatically update Salesforce records through our best-in-class integration that connects data to any Salesforce cloud

Salesforce Logo

Salesforce Submit Connector

Create or update any standard or custom Salesforce objects.

sales force - community cloud

Salesforce Community Cloud

Authenticate forms with Salesforce Community Cloud and Salesforce Communities.

sales force - pardot

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

Pass leads to Account Engagement (Formerly Pardot) drips, automations, and triggers.

Salesforce Logo

Salesforce Prefill Connector

Prefill existing customer data into your forms, straight from Salesforce.

salesforce - marketing cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Pass your form data to Salesforce Marketing Cloud for advanced insights.

Marketing connectors

Streamline data collection methods and connect to marketing apps you already know and love.


Create GoToWebinar registration forms, or add registrants to GoToWebinar through any form.

mailchimp logo


Add subscribers to your MailChimp list, or allow your respondents to check a box to opt-in.

AWeber logo


Add subscribers to your AWeber list, or allow respondents to opt-in through any form.

Bizible logo


Get a complete picture of your marketing data with Salesforce, Bizible web analytics, and FormAssembly.

CapsulteCRM logo


Send leads automatically to CapsuleCRM with FormAssembly’s flexible web-to-lead forms.

Payment connectors

Intuitive and secure connectors make collecting payments easy for you, and your customers.

Authorize.Net logo


Give your customers a secure, easy way to pay with Authorize.Net and FormAssembly.

Paypal logo


Let customers check out quickly using FormAssembly and PayPal.

Stripe integration


Create donation forms and order forms with Stripe.

iATS Payments logo

iATS Payments

Collect one-time credit card payments, recurring subscriptions, and ACH or Direct Deposit payments with iATS Payments.

Chargent logo


Collect one-time and recurring credit card payments through Chargent, and integrate every payment with Salesforce.

CyberSource logo


Collect one-time and recurring credit card payments with CyberSource.

Productivity connectors

Work less, and do more by integrating data collection to essential business applications.


Embed FormAssembly forms in Drupal nodes.

Google Drive

Upload and sync files to My Drive or Shared Drive folders.

Google Sheets

Automatically create or update your Google Sheets spreadsheets.

Microsoft Excel

Export your form responses to Microsoft Excel.

microsoft sharepoint integration with formassembly

Microsoft Sharepoint

Upload and sync files to Sharepoint Sites.

HTTPS Connector

Connect to any service that uses HTTP POST or HTTP GET methods through our HTTPS Connector.

Webhook Connector

Connect to any service using OAUTH 2.0 or API Keys and deliver JSON, RAW, or HTML-encoded data.

WordPress logo


Embed a form into any WordPress Post or Page.

TaskRay logo


Build web forms with FormAssembly and automatically turn your responses into TaskRay projects within Salesforce.


Send file uploads directly to Dropbox account.

ScheduleOnce logo


Integrate FormAssembly with OnceHub to create a user-friendly booking process.


Send file uploads directly to Box content cloud.

Docmosis logo


Gather important information and multiple signatures and render it all in one concise PDF.

Security connectors

Protect customer data and operate with confidence using FormAssembly integrations that enhance your security posture.


Authenticate your FormAssembly forms with SAML.


Authenticate and prefill your FormAssembly forms with CAS.


Authenticate with your LDAP or Active directory.

Girl with laptop Formassembly

Secure, intelligent forms and unmatched data visibility. Why settle for less?