Success Story


Higher Ed

Improving Online Education Services with Better Data Collection Processes


forms built in their first year on the platform


of tech work saved per form

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Online Education Services (OES) is an educational provider that helps organisations find and discover end-to-end solutions for online learning. After spending time carefully considering their needs and realising how much “tech debt” they faced, team members at OES opted to use a data collection platform.

FormAssembly helps the organisation’s Salesforce administrator boost its internal efforts, and improve processes with outside vendors and education partners.

“Tech Debt” and Constant Need for the Creation of New Forms


The team at OES found themselves in a great amount of “tech debt”. There was always a need for new web forms, but the developers did not always have the bandwidth to build them quickly. When their team discovered FormAssembly and began learning about how to adapt it for different use cases, they took the jump and began building Salesforce-connected web forms to solve internal and external needs.

“Because Salesforce is our hub, we needed a form builder that would integrate as much as possible,”

Nick Dodds

Salesforce Administrator, OES

Use Case Compatibility with a Simple Salesforce-Connected Platform


Due to the sheer amount of platforms and partners with which OES coordinates regularly, OES needed to choose a flexible solution that would work in a variety of ways. A tool or platform that allowed for on-brand themes and integration with third-party platforms was a huge factor.

FormAssembly’s Salesforce integration allows OES to adapt to internal needs while also providing creative options as they serve other organizations and partners.

“That’s one of the things about FormAssembly—the agility that [we] have to build out a form instead of scoping with external vendors. [We] can have a look at it in house and make a quick decision whether it’s possible with FormAssembly,” Nick said.

Exi Checklist

An exit checklist helps a human resources department replace outdated manual data entry

One of Nick’s primary FormAssembly use cases involved replacing a manual HR checklist procedure that involved shared Word documents and manual updating. The process was messy, and it didn’t offer an ideal method of collecting important data.

To replace this outdated process, Nick leveraged FormAssembly and the Salesforce connector to build a form that was powered by an object within Salesforce. Now, an HR employee can go into Salesforce and directly create a new job order for whichever employee requires it.

Features for the Salesforce Administrator

Conditional logic

Conditional logic features have come in handy for several OES forms, allowing the builder to add more fields and choices based on the respondent’s feedback.

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Dynamic Picklists

FormAssembly’s Salesforce Dynamic Picklists feature provides live, real-time feeds that flow directly into form choices. If anyone makes changes within Salesforce, they can trust that the form options will update accordingly, without manual editing.

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SAML Login

Coming up, the OES Application Development team will be working closely on SAML. Since many legacy forms sit behind student portals, it’s important to leverage a single sign-on system that provides quick access to forms and responsive data.

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The perfect platform for your Salesforce administrator.

Talk to a FormAssembly expert today.