Success Story



Tyndale University Saves Thousands & Improves Student Recruitment Process


active FormAssembly forms.


enrolled students.


saved on a custom legacy replacement.

Portrait of a smiling college girl is holding tablet PC.


When Tyndale University needed to modernize its outdated admissions application system. Transitioning to a Salesforce-integrated data collection platform became the obvious solution. To scale their projects and admissions initiatives and hit targeted enrollment figures, Tyndale turned to FormAssembly. With FormAssembly they could save and reallocate resources while delivering a higher level of customization to students, improving recruitment results.

retiring outdated admission application


Tyndale University knew it was time to modernize its admissions application, opting for a customizable and user-friendly solution that seamlessly integrates with its Salesforce instance. This improved the admission application and enrollment process, and also strengthened outreach and recruitment efforts through improved data management. Moreover, the switch saved the university $10,000 by eliminating the need for custom application development to replace outdated legacy software.

“The main case would be everything. Basically, any kind of online form that is connected to the recruitment process is connected to FormAssembly.”

Andrew Mugford

Digital Marketing Specialist

admission application

utilizing features to improve student enrollment process


Mugford’s team currently runs about 76 FormAssembly forms at any given time, which spans a variety of admissions and enrollment use cases. FormAssembly has opened many doors and created opportunities for improved processes, particularly for prospective students and admissions counselors. These advancements offer a better user experience (UX) and a better flow of work.


For Tyndale, the real power of FormAssembly lies below the surface. Once staff can dig into the features and the tool becomes second nature, the possibilities of what can be accomplished are limitless. 


applications submitted within FormAssembly


enrolled students


active FormAssembly forms


saved on a custom legacy replacement

Tyndale’s favorite features

Explore the features leveraged to reinvigorate their admission application and more.

Salesforce Prefill Connector

Pull data from your existing Salesforce org, and display a prefilled form to your respondents. With a prefilled link and a query parameter in your Salesforce Prefill Connector, you can pull information from Salesforce records into your form to improve the user experience.

Explore the connector

Custom CSS

Use custom code (including CSS, HTML, or JavaScript) to make customizations that are more in-depth than what the Theme Editor provides. 

Read More

Field Validations and Formulas

FormAssembly’s varied field options allow web form creators to set limits, rules, conditionals, and calculations for new fields. This makes data organization simple while ensuring that respondents only see the information that’s relevant to them.

More field options

Streamline your application process with FormAssembly.

Book some time to speak with the FormAssembly team.