Success Story



Oxford Streamlines Data Collection Practices with School-Wide Platform Adoption


forms converted to FormAssembly during website overhaul


FormAssembly forms currently in use


Universal platform adoption with Salesforce has had a significant impact on the University of Oxford Saïd Business School’s student data strategies and workflows. Implementing FormAssembly as the singular area of data collection has allowed professionals at the Business School to streamline complex lead generation processes and improve data management.

Inconsistent branding, Difficult tracking


Before working with FormAssembly, the team at the Business School was using Drupal forms to build forms and place them on their website. Separate users could create forms, but this resulted in a lack of consistency. Pain points revolved around the GDPR and higher education, consistent branding and language, and web form maintenance and monitoring. Staff members also required easier ways to clone forms, track analytics, and simplify lead generation.

“All of those different departments had different teams that owned different web forms that were on the website. which was very hard to manage, very hard to keep consistency, naming conventions with different levels of information collected.”

Jonathan Payne

Salesforce Specialist

a single solution for the entire school


FormAssembly provides superior online data collection for schools. Professionals at the Saïd Business School can now customize forms while bringing all of their data collection needs under one main umbrella. Salesforce integration is of utmost importance in ensuring success. Moreover, the ability to embed lead generation forms on the school’s website or to use them in a stand-alone way at events allows for on-the-go data collection.


By using custom CSS, University staff can provide better brand consistency across their many webforms.


forms converted to FormAssembly during website overhaul


FormAssembly forms currently in use

Their favorite features

FormAssembly provides several practical solutions for helping customers in the EU maintain compliance while offering convenient form experiences.

Form customization

The ability to completely customize forms with special coding helps to satisfy unique branding requirements. By using custom CSS, staff can provide better brand consistency.

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iFrame publishing

Publishing with an iFrame is another option that gives Business School staff flexibility. FormAssembly’s iFrame options can relieve styling conflicts that occur when embedding forms with raw HTML.

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GDPR compliance

As a customer within the European Union, the Business School must collect and use data according to stringent regulations for GDPR and higher education. FormAssembly provides several practical solutions for helping customers in the EU maintain compliance with these rigorous requirements, including the ability to add opt-in statements and privacy disclosures directly to forms.

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What’s Next?

Staff at Saïd Business School are currently developing an exciting web form process to engage with the student and alumni community. They are looking to use web forms across new community channels as a way to further connect and utilize student data.

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