Success Story



How the KY YMCA Youth Association grew their programs and improved their data.


Middle and high school students served annually


Year-over-year growth across all programming


Sheets of paper saved annually


The staff at the Kentucky YMCA Youth Association were struggling with a program registration process that was driving up costs, and limiting their ability to serve their community’s students. A move to Salesforce and FormAssembly improved data quality and visibility, allowing them to offer more students the opportunity to participate.

Data Without Insight


The Kentucky YMCA Youth Association was using a combination of Eventbrite and Adobe PDF forms for events and registration forms. While this system worked, it limited the insight staff had into their student’s needs.

“Our biggest challenge was that we didn’t know who we served. We had their names and not much else; we didn’t have a way to compile names, emails, history, or anything.”

Team members needed real access (and a way to interpret) stats about students’ backgrounds, participation history, and contact information.

With FormAssembly, we’re able to get accurate numbers and speed through a lot of processes that took us countless hours in the past.”

Derek Summerville

National Resource Coordinator

Salesforce integrated forms for better insight


With FormAssembly’s flexible forms, and industry-leading Salesforce Integration, the Kentucky YMCA Youth Association can collect more data about its participants, and improve student and staff experiences.

“With FormAssembly, we’re able to get accurate numbers and speed through a lot of processes that took us countless hours in the past; things as simple as determining allergies and dietary concerns in our students to make sure their needs are met.”

The data their working with is cleaner too! The ability to add contextual help and placeholders to form fields for respondents makes submissions more successful, while formatting guidelines and validation rules prevent typos and missing data from making it to the CRM.

What’s next?

Derek believes that FormAssembly still offers untapped potential for new projects. The next phase for the association includes allowing staff members to start creating their own forms to make individual programs better and fine-tune forms to the participants needs. “We’re able to remind people how big an impact we’ve had in lives, and that’s translating into dollars and growth,” Derek said.

Kentucky YMCA Youth Association’s favorite features

Conditional logic

The organization works with students of all ages as they progress through different grade levels. Staff can change which programs are available at certain grade levels making program registration easier for everyone.

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Salesforce integration

Their forms are designed so that when a student selects his or her name from a drop-down menu, their past program participation is visible. Using the SFDC Prefill Connector, the forms populate with data already stored in Salesforce.

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Calculations and payments

Staff use form calculations to determine the cost of conferences and can collect secure payments with Stripe right from the form.

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