Success Story



Campus Compact Automates Membership Renewals with FormAssembly


Campus Compact has overhauled its membership renewal process for over 500 college campuses nationwide using FormAssembly and Salesforce. The time savings and the ability to quickly access accurate, specific data improve the way they engage with their extensive network and the outcomes of those interactions.

Membership renewal processes dragged on


Campus Compact’s previous process for handling member renewals involved exhaustive Google searches, manual data entry, and repetitive phone calls. This inefficient method led to data silos and errors, impeding their ability to engage effectively and truly understand their members’ needs.

“Adding the Campus Champions to our contacts doubled our point of contact with universities. This was something that FormAssembly opened up the opportunity for us to do that we weren’t able to do before.”

Kerry Foxx

Director of Member Engagement, Campus Compact

Automated and personalized interactions


Campus Compact transformed its member renewal process by using FormAssembly to create a new account query and look-up tool. This innovation gave their leaders instant access to important information, making interactions with members more personal and effective. They also introduced a new member renewal form that simplified the process and helped generate new leads. Instead of using Google searches, phone calls, and manual data entry, Campus Compact now just sends a link for contacts to update their details and nominate Campus Champions. This change not only made the process more efficient but also helped expand their contact list and turned renewal into a powerful lead generation tool.

Favorite form-building features

Save and resume

allows member renewals to come back and update their information or submit their referral for their campus champion.



makes the member renewal process easier, using the contact information already available in Salesforce for simple, contact updates.


Conditional formatting

aids the success of the account query & look-up form end-user for streamlined information gathering.


What’s next for Campus Compact?

Campus Compact is excited about expanding their use of FormAssembly. They plan to leverage the Approvals feature to verify contact information in their membership renewal process. As Campus Compact grows its programs, they will develop new application forms and integrate Workflows to streamline their operations further.

Ready to use your data to improve interactions with prospects?

Book a demo with a member of the FormAssembly team today!