
[Webinar Recap] Form Review Masterclass: Expert Feedback on Customer Forms


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Recently we’ve been sharing more about an exciting offering at FormAssembly — Implementation Services. Our personalized service packages help customers put their best forms forward to meet unique business needs and accomplish big goals.

In the third webinar in our Implementation Services Series, Andrea Hall and Katrina Garza apply their expert form-building knowledge to real customer web forms to give you a taste of the Form Review Implementation Services package. The Form Review package includes having one of our team members review and test your form from top to bottom, and then follow up with an hour-long call to discuss solutions and improvements.

Check out the recap and recording to see how they apply their professional perspective to forms that are in use every day by clients in different industries.

What Can Sort of Help Do You Provide?

If this is your first look at Implementation Services, you might be wondering what kind of options are at your fingertips. Implementation Services is perfect for both new customers and veteran form-building pros. When you work with our dedicated team, you can expect:

  • Expert help with your FormAssembly account
  • Time-saving assistance that helps you go live on a tight schedule
  • Onboarding assistance and group training to get your team up to speed

Not only can Implementation Services help you get started on the right foot if you’re new to FormAssembly, but the available options are also great for more established customers that want to get a health check for their forms.

Form #1 – The College Diabetes Network

This organization submitted their form for review with the goal of improved user experience. The original form was lengthy and had fields that could be condensed, so our team jumped right in to give it a review. The suggestions included:

  • Boxing in larger areas of floating text to make the form visually appealing
  • Adding checkbox sections to eliminate the need to scroll through fields that only apply to certain respondents
  • Creating repeating options to eliminate unnecessary form fields
  • Upgrading to the latest form builder and theme builder releases

Form #2 – Student Opportunity Fund

The second form submitted for review was sent by the Student Opportunity Fund. This group had similar user experience questions along with specific Salesforce Connector questions. The form review tips for this use case included:

  • Adding an additional page to conditionally show information based on a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ form response on the first page
  • Trimming text field boxes to reasonable lengths and rearranging similar fields in order to conserve white space
  • Creating a lookup within the Salesforce Connector to eliminate duplicate contact records
  • Ensuring that all data points tracked within the form are mapped to corresponding fields in Salesforce

Valuable Takeaways about Implementation Services

In general, there are a few key practices that our team suggests to improve user experience. Visual appeal is just as important as form functionality, but both have an impact on the number and quality of form responses you may receive. Let our Implementation Services team help take your web forms to the next level with smart suggestions and professional upgrades that boost your data collection.

Sign up for Implementation Services and have your forms reviewed for optimization today!

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