FormAssembly PDF Generation

In response to requests from our customers, we’ve added a PDF generation feature to our already powerful platform for Premier, Enterprise, and Compliance Cloud users. In this blog, we provide details about FormAssembly’s new PDF generation feature and ideas for how your own organization can utilize this feature to get the most out of your web forms.

About the feature

FormAssembly’s new PDF generation feature allows users to generate PDFs on demand from the responses page, attach PDFs to internal response notifications, and send PDF copies of responses to Salesforce. Notifications are emails sent to the form owner, administrator, or other individuals you designate from inside your organization.

With this new feature, users will be able to leverage form responses in a PDF format with no outside tools needed. FormAssembly’s dynamic PDF output ensures that each PDF will follow the format of the actual web form completed by respondents.

Use case suggestions

FormAssembly’s PDF generation feature will be particularly useful for organizations that need hard copies of form responses. This can come in handy for audits and other events.

Users may also choose to convert online form responses to PDF format in order to present specific information with other teams for decisions or approval, or to simply keep hard copies on file for future reference.

Release Date (Phase One):

  • Week of May 4, 2020: On Demand PDFs fully released to all Premier and EC/CC customers
  • Week of May 18, 2020: PDFs on Email Response Notifications fully released to all Premier and EC/CC

Release Date (Phase Two):

  • Week of August 17, 2020: Ability to send PDF copies of responses to Salesforce released to Premier and EC/CC customers.

To stay up to date with developments on upcoming features and other FormAssembly news, be sure to check out our blog and subscribe for email updates.


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