Case Study Background


ElevateActual Uses FormAssembly as the Leading Data Platform for Aeronautics

Peter Bernardi


Case Study Snapshot

ElevateActual is a FormAssembly Partner founded by Principal Consultant, Peter Bernardi. This boutique consulting firm works with the government and higher education industries to create revolutionary new data processes and to educate stakeholders about modern data solutions and best practices. We previously highlighted ElevateActual’s FormAssembly success story with Jviation, a private aviation company contracted by state and federal governments. As ElevateActual continues to leverage the operational aspects of FormAssembly, Peter said the firm has seen transformational results. In this case study, learn how FormAssembly has powered new data processes at the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission.

About ElevateActual

  • Boutique consulting firm focused on Salesforce for higher education and government
  • Works primarily in spaces where grants are required to advance operations
  • Teaches solutions in government sectors by creating custom data processes

The numbers


total cost in projects submitted through the tool


projects across the state


airport managers in the portal


additional FormAssembly forms used internally

The Need

Outdated Manual Processes

Having a single form that serves as a primary source of truth creates powerful results.

The primary focus of the South Carolina project was facilitating a CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) module, which is made up of one FormAssembly form. Airport managers are required to report capital improvement data to the state every year for important grants and funding. Previously, this data was handled through cumbersome methods, including faxing paper documents back and forth. Because the CIP is an aggressive, 5-year plan that requires regular reports and updating, having a single form that serves as a primary source of truth creates powerful results.

The Solution

A New Structure and Powerful Platform

To me, FormAssembly is not just a form building tool. That doesn’t give it a lot of credit for the ways we’re using it. It’s really an entire platform that you can use to start the building process.

The CIP module allows key stakeholders to work with a significant amount of dynamic content. Out-of-the-box solutions allow for handling of data effortlessly, yet securely. When it comes to FormAssembly’s potential to solve data issues in aeronautics, the possibilities are wide open.

“To me, FormAssembly is not just a form building tool. That doesn’t give it a lot of credit for the ways we’re using it. It’s really a platform to start building,” Peter said.

Prefill Connector
FormAssembly’s Salesforce prefill connector plays a critical role in loading data from repeatable sections that display airport data for up to five years’ worth of projects. This feature is crucial, as it builds upon an official starting point of approved projects and prevents the tedious step of adding known information into the form.

Community Authentication
Community authentication is a feature of FormAssembly Enterprise accounts that prevents any outside user from accessing form data. When working with government entities, this piece is crucial for security.

Custom Code
The ability to implement custom code sets FormAssembly apart as a truly customizable data platform. In the case of the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission, Peter has been able to rewrite some of the core functionality of each form and include custom objects such as status bars. The ability to control and alter core functionality at the enterprise level is significant for longevity and innovation.

Use Cases

The Capital Improvement Plan

A single form serves as a mini portal to updated, accurate aeronautics data.

The major aspect of the CIP is that it is all in one form, enabling the user to stay in a single place without navigating away to submit more information. In a way, it serves as a status page or specialized portal, giving the respondent an overview of what is necessary for completion.

The CIP is built with five repeatable sections (expandable and collapsible) that pull in airport data for up to five years of projects. This feature allows airport managers to shuffle projects from year to year, and make long-term planning decisions.

The form setup helps solve funding and bureaucracy issues while providing an easy-to-use technology solution for users at any skill or knowledge level. The form design is also fast and efficient, saving time that would otherwise be spent on manual paper processes.


What’s Next?

Future state mandates require that information be public and accessible. By using the updated version of Salesforce Dynamic Picklists, Peter plans to build a business airport search tool using dynamic dropdowns and live lookups.

This project would allow business owners to search across all airport facilities in the state (accessing 12 data points) in order to find an airport or area to fit specific business needs. This will contribute to self-perpetuating economic development in the years ahead.

Plane taking off

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Download our 11 Reasons to Use FormAssembly infographic below!

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