Case Study Background


Continuum Clinical Reduces Staff Workload by 20% with FormAssembly

Sean Reed,

Director of Technology + Innovation

Case Study Snapshot

Continuum Clinical is a global patient recruitment and retention company with the goal of expediting the clinical research process for pharmaceutical companies. They primarily use FormAssembly to glean large quantities of information from their clients to power their global patient recruitment and retention services. FormAssembly provides a means to verify data received from sponsors conducting new research trials at various facilities. Automation and data cleanup ensures a smooth and expedited process.

“Initially we needed a tool to assist in cleaning data to ensure our business could operate efficiently. As we’ve used [FormAssembly] in a more advanced way, we’re not only cleaning contact and location data from research sites, but are now surveying them and capturing data in a way that assists us with recruitment strategies,” Reed said.


The numbers


employees working in a worldwide network


forms created


work time reduction resulting from automated data cleansing


responses collected

The Need

Cumbersome Spreadsheets and Offline Data

the data they were receiving in response was totally disconnected from the original data set they had.

Before implementing FormAssembly, Continuum would receive large spreadsheets containing research sites and primary contacts. Project teams used a manual process to reach out to these contacts and provide a survey tool through an outside provider; however, the data they were receiving in response was totally disconnected from the original data set they had. Since they had already invested heavily on the Salesforce platform, they needed a solution that would minimize effort for respondents while also providing a more streamlined CRM process.

The Solution

Streamlined Connections and Reduced Workload

Previously, we were spending at least 2 weeks trying to get contacts on the phone, and once we were able to talk to them, they would quickly become frustrated that we were asking them to confirm their data

Salesforce Prefill Connector

The Salesforce Prefill Connector provides plenty of flexibility for Continuum and their clients. Because project teams were using so many offline solutions to gather data, the manual workload was much greater, and the frustration level for clients was higher. With FormAssembly’s powerful Salesforce integration, Continuum can simplify the tools and reduce the steps needed to achieve a better end result.

Reduction in Manual Data Cleanup

Not only does FormAssembly provide a user-friendly interface solution for the client, but it also helps Continuum reduce the amount of effort needed to input data.

“Knowing that we have flexibility in a tool like FormAssembly is important,” Reed shared. “We can now leverage this tool in a very intuitive way that ensures people will take action.”

Once those actions are taken by the right parties, Continuum can rely on the accuracy of information that automatically updates in their Salesforce org.

Increased Speed and Efficiency

FormAssembly contributes to Continuum’s mission of helping pharmaceutical companies expedite the clinical research process by allowing Continuum to carry out operations even more quickly. The ability to streamline operations and workflows has allowed them to foster a more productive system.

“We are here to accelerate the whole business process behind clinical trial patient recruitment,” Reed said.

Use Cases

Research Recruitment Surveys

Branded recruitment surveys allow clients to participate in new campaigns.

Continuum’s primary use case involves intuitive FormAssembly forms that site coordinators use to verify and provide their information for various studies. These forms are powered by FormAssembly’s Salesforce integration and Prefill Connector so that respondents have a simplified means of submitting accurate information.

The lists of trial sites that Continuum receives from their sponsors may include as little as 10 or as many as 400 various locations. The way that they verify important data including physical address, physician information, and contact details is through FormAssembly forms.

“We use FormAssembly to clean a large amount of information at once, and we use FormAssembly via landing pages to confirm that we have the right information. Plus, we’re able to collect information like who needs access to certain portals. This expedites our startup process.” Osterbur said.

Advanced Field Validations and Logic

Conditional features provide an advanced option for web forms.

Continuum relies heavily on field validations and conditional logic features to ensure that the data being gathered fits into their Salesforce system in the cleanest, most efficient way possible. Their advanced nesting design and field mapping on the front end ensures that manual steps are eliminated on the back end.


What’s Next?

Staff at Continuum are pleased with the current progress they’ve seen from using FormAssembly web forms and the Salesforce connector.

“We’ve got a really tailored way that this is working for us right now. We know what the possibilities are, so when we have business challenges, we’re keeping FormAssembly in mind,” Osterbur said.

Future plans may involve post-study surveys or patient-direct surveys, which is an audience they don’t currently engage. Although Continuum doesn’t currently collect patient data, knowing that FormAssembly provides a HIPAA-compliant Compliance Cloud plan with priority support, security training, and advanced security and privacy controls can open up doors for future projects.

Don’t just collect data — leverage it.