process improvement with web forms - 4 ways

The Secret to Process Improvement: Web Forms 4 Ways


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At some point in their careers, every professional has realized that there just aren’t enough hours in the workday. As the to-do list grows, the days seem to shorten. Unfortunately, business most likely won’t ever slow down. So, the best alternative is to figure out how to do your work faster or simplify processes.

Thankfully, that’s exactly where web forms come into play. Almost everything you do at work can benefit from a well-defined process, and almost every process involves a web form. The result? Time savings, reduced manual work, eliminated bottlenecks—all the things that help you get more work done in less time.

Here are four ways to accelerate business processes with web forms.

1. Simplify customer onboarding

Are you gaining customers faster than your onboarding process can handle them? It’s time to start looking for ways these workflow processes can be improved. Maybe there are unnecessary steps in your process that don’t contribute to greater customer satisfaction and understanding. Maybe there are parts of your process that can be automated. Maybe you’re gathering data from several sources, relying on legacy systems, paper forms, and spreadsheets instead of a single source of truth.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to go back to basics with your customer onboarding process and consider what information you really need to get out of the process. Ask yourself:

  • What is it most important to learn from the customer?
  • Who in my company needs to know what information?
  • What’s the simplest way for me to gather client information and deliver it to members of my team that need it?
  • Do I need to have a phone call or in-person meeting, or could this information more easily be gathered in a web form?
  • Where does miscommunication usually happen during onboarding, and is it a people problem or a process problem?

If your onboarding process contains standard questions that every client answers before beginning an engagement, create a web form that lets them answer questions at their own pace.

Real-world use case

By implementing FormAssembly, Promontory Interfinancial Network (now IntraFi), was able to streamline their own onboarding process and reduce the need for manual paper processes. In addition to the drastic time savings, other benefits they saw included:

  • Happy customers and positive feedback
  • Less back-and-forth over the onboarding processes
  • Elimination of communication bottlenecks
  • Reduced time spent on the phone by salespeople

2. Streamline internal processes

Sometimes it’s not client work that slows you down, it’s everything else. At FormAssembly, we use web forms to speed up data gathering and to improve internal processes. The result is less time spent on administrative work and more on forward motion.

Here are some of the main ways we use FormAssembly to speed up internal work on our own team:

New hire onboarding: FormAssembly can have a learning curve for non-technical employees. To get people up to speed quickly, we use a guided training (built on FormAssembly) that leads new hires through our platform. The training is self-guided and frees up other managers from extensive onboarding work with the new members of their team.

Activity planning: Planning our team reunion takes considerable effort and organization, but we were able to streamline these processes with custom web forms. These forms let us quickly enter our activity preferences and submit responses. This saves our field team hours of time reaching out to individual employees and manually entering data into a spreadsheet.

Expense reimbursement: Trying to collect receipts from team members each month can be a tedious and time-consuming process for our finance team. Instead, we opted for a custom web form that allowed employees to digitally submit receipts for easier processing and reimbursement. By using FormAssembly, our finance team can easily collect all requests and related details in one form, allowing them to complete reimbursements on time each month.

3. Web-to-anything Salesforce forms customization

We help companies drive leads, which means creating more opportunities for faster, more meaningful connections with potential customers. It’s one of our key FormAssembly uses, which is why we’re so proud of our Web-to-Anything forms.

Here are a few examples of how we speed up our customer lifecycle with customized and connected forms.

  • Basic contact forms route information to the right channels and makes sure all data is up-to-date for our sales team.
  • Pre-event forms help us plan our time at conferences and set up meetings beforehand.
  • Demo request forms allow potential customers to provide information that helps us deliver presentations more tailored to their situation.
  • Enterprise order forms alert us when an enterprise order is placed so we can create an enterprise server instance.

4. Connect systems for automated workflows

Some things that seem like they should be so quick and easy just aren’t when you’re dealing with communication systems that don’t integrate. For some of our customers like American Enterprise Institute (AEI), FormAssembly helps close communication gaps and enables faster communication with better integrations.

FormAssembly, used in connection with Salesforce, provided AEI with a way to quickly and easily create forms and streamline event management processes. With this connected data collection workflow, AEI replaced dozens of spreadsheets, documents, and emails with a streamlined solution that saved their team hours of manual work.

The answer to process improvement is FormAssembly

If your organization is struggling to stay efficient with outdated, tedious data collection processes, web forms, and web form-based workflows can be the answer to cutting out unnecessary workloads in your day-to-day routine. With FormAssembly, your team can accelerate business processes, reduce unnecessary work, improve communication, and drive leads. 

Explore how our platform can improve productivity and accelerate business workflows across your entire organization in our eBook, 4 Problems that Limit Productivity in the Workplace and How to Solve Them with Better Data Collection.

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