Case Study Background

Higher Ed

The University of Michigan Develops a New Campus Process with FormAssembly

Adam Skoczylas,

Program Manager

We recently interviewed Adam Skoczylas at the University of Michigan Center for Educational Outreach to find out about a new project they’ve implemented through FormAssembly. Since we’ve previously featured the University of Michigan for their innovative use of FormAssembly in the realm of higher education, it seemed like a great time to check back in and see what they were developing! Take a look at the interview below to see how FormAssembly and universities work in tandem to collect, manage, and integrate data more effectively.

What Does The Center for Educational Outreach Do?

We recently interviewed Adam Skoczylas at the University of Michigan Center for Educational Outreach to find out about a new project they’ve implemented through FormAssembly. Since we’ve previously featured the University of Michigan for their innovative use of FormAssembly in the realm of higher education, it seemed like a great time to check back in and see what they were developing! Take a look at the interview below to see how FormAssembly and universities work in tandem to collect, manage, and integrate data more effectively.

Use Cases

Client Onboarding Form

What is the Latest Use Case?

Our newest use case is the Children on Campus Program Registry, which we launched successfully in 2018 for application across all three U of M campuses. The registry is part of the university’s efforts to protect youth on all campuses. The university mandates that university personnel follow certain policies and procedures aimed at protecting children and youth in the university’s care. Any university personnel running a program that falls under the policy must register their program for improved risk management.


Previously, there had been many competing attempts to get information about university programs for children and youth. With FormAssembly, we’ve been able to reduce a number of competing efforts to gather and share this important information.


What’s Next?

The University of Michigan’s Center for Educational Outreach demonstrates how data collection, when handled creatively and with excellence, can promote significant collaboration. Implementing the FormAssembly solution has enabled:

  • Cross-campus collaboration between offices and among staff members
  • Greater communication and more transparency surrounding data needed for risk management
  • Identification of the appropriate and most efficient tools for shared data

In May 2018, Skoczylas received the President’s Staff Innovation Award for creating a process that resulted in “increased awareness of these programs, simplified the process from start to finish, improved safety and compliance through better access to data, and saved staff time and resources.”

Don’t just collect data

— leverage it.