
FormAssembly Releases: June 2022


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This June, we worked on Workflow enhancements focused on improved security and visibility into logging. Our work behind the scenes will enable you to have greater control over sensitive data and workflow details. Read on to learn more about June’s release highlights.


Unlocking Sensitive Data in Workflow

Workflow users can now lock and unlock the viewing of sensitive data fields in the Workflow Responses on Compliance Cloud plans. 

Campaign ID Associations Now Supported in the Elevate Connector

The Elevate Payment Connector now supports Salesforce Campaign associations! This new feature allows you to configure associated Campaigns for your donations to empower greater organization and accurate reporting on Campaign success and fundraising.


Ability to encrypt sensitive fields longer than 8,192 characters.

This improvement now allows encryption on data longer than 8,192 characters.

Bug Fixes

  • Fields marked as sensitive in the builder will default autocomplete to “off” so that sensitive data is not revealed
  • Text area field maintains the defined height when repeated
  • Validation for the email step form PDF attachments in workflow builder, and validation in our SCXML to ensure a step exists before PDF generation
  • Error handling improvements on CAS authentication 
  • Error handling improvements on required fields on forms authentication

If you have any questions about these updates or about FormAssembly in general, please check out our Resource Center or reach out to our Customer Success Team.

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